Colon Hydrotherapy

*As of March, 2023 - This service is NOT Available. Please check back. We will UPDATE this Page just as soon as our CHT system is back online!

Since Spring, 2023: Due to recently begun improvements to our DT Clinic, we are temporarily unable to offer CHT services at this time.

This message will be REMOVED when we have moved back and once again offer these services.

Check here for more details:

It takes energy to digest and neutralize toxins and waste. Over time, and with chronic poor diet and dehydration, the walls of the colon can become clogged with layers of feces. The colon, being a muscle, can become too tight (hypertonic) or too loose (hypotonic) and lose its ability to efficiently eliminate waste and toxins from the body. When waste stays in the body for too long it begins to rot, ferment and putrefy. When this happens, toxins leak back out into the body and accumulate where they should not be. These toxins tend to accumulate in the body’s weak spaces, e.g. old injury sites, organs operating under stress, and near other organs of elimination like the lymphatic system, lungs, bronchioles, sinuses and the skin. Colonics can assist the body in dealing with the many common conditions that can result from the build up of toxins.

Cleansing the body

Even with the best diet and lifestyle, we are exposed to many toxins through our water, air and food (even organic). These toxins can be from cleaning products, herbicides and pesticides, heavy metals, in addition to plastics leaching into our food, etc. Our bodies have to deal with and eliminate these toxins and colonics assist the body in the elimination process!

It is possible to have a bowel movement every day and still be constipated. Ideally, we would have as many bowel movements as meals eaten in a day.  Just like rust and other minerals build up on the inside of pipes but still allow water to pass through the center, the colon can accumulate waste along its walls but still allow waste to pass through the center. This can lead to various health concerns, many (or most) of which can be supported by colonics. Through the use of varying water temperature and flow, colonics can help tonify the colon and support the body in balancing these conditions. A toned colon leads to regular bowel movements and more complete elimination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it hurt? Is there any pain involved?  Sometimes there can be cramping as the colon begins to wake up and starts to work properly, and as trapped gas begins to move out. Through gentle massage, close attention, and control of water flow and temperature, the therapist works to minimize the discomfort.

What will happen after?  There is generally a feeling of hydration, lightness, clarity and more energy. However, depending on the level of toxicity, sometimes people feel a bit tired and may experience some detox symptoms as the body begins to work on the next layer, pulling stored toxins to the colon for elimination. If this is the case, it’s best to support the body in this process, by eating easily digested, warm foods and getting plenty of electrolytes and rest. This is also the reason that it’s best to do a series of 3-5 colonics, especially if you are new to cleansing and colonics.

Are colonics safe?  We use the best possible filters available to make sure the water is free from any contaminants and go the extra mile to restructure the water in order to get it as close to its original state as possible. We use a gentle and effective closed-gravity system with disposable, single-use speculums and tubing. There is no mechanical pumping of the water and there is no suction, the goal is to help the body to be able to do the work on its own. The use of disposable equipment for each colonic means it’s sterile and new every time. There is a trained and Certified Colon Therapist present through the whole procedure. The therapist is in control of the water flow and temperature the whole time, and uses gentle massage and bodywork in order to keep you as comfortable as possible.  We also provide a complimentary probiotic and electrolyte packet following each colonic in order to replenish your system.


Conditions helped by Colon Hydrotherapy:

  • Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis

  • Tonsillitis, Sore Throat, Earaches

  • Allergy symptoms both Seasonal and Dietary

  • Sinus infections, nasal catarrh and asthma

  • Skin eruptions, pimples, rashes, and psoriasis

  • Arthritis pain

  • Headaches

  • Muscle and joint aches and pains

  • MS and Fibromyalgia symptoms

Colonics are also helpful for common digestive disorders such as:

  • Heartburn

  • Acid Reflux

  • Indigestion

  • Gas/Bloating

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Intestinal parasites


About your Provider

Daniel added Colon Hydrotherapy to his healing offerings in 2012 after completing an apprenticeship with Bill Haggard, a colon hydrotherapy practitioner of over 20 years. Daniel was amazed at the effectiveness and relief he and his clients experienced with regular colon hydrotherapy. Daniel uses his experience as a therapeutic body worker, Colon Hydrotherapist, and Ayurvedic Health Consultant to assist his clients on their path to a healthy and happy life!

IMPORTANT: Since Spring, 2023: Due to recently begun improvements to our DT Clinic, we are temporarily unable to offer CHT services at this time.

This message will be REMOVED when we have moved back and once again offer these services.

Check here for more details: